Since the time we are born,we are meant to survive and be optimistic else its impossible to stay…as says Charles Darwin ,’survival for the fittest’.Thus begins our journey to live to fight and not to ask questions to that Almighty. Throughout this journey called life ,when we move through different stages, its always about survival,feeding, desires, expectations and frustations emerging out of that,happiness becomes relative… And questions you should not ask… People say you should be an honest, hardworking and god fearing man…first two adjectives are alright but the third one …is god so shallow that in his kingdom we have to be fearful citizens… THERE is this movie –BRUCE ALMIGHTY…very very impressive and inspiring,even so many books and spiritual teachers to explain the bigger things in life and forget about the smaller personal issues…but till the self is not satisfied and resolved how to look with kindness towards others . So many questions and only one answer –look wit...