Since the time we are born,we are meant to survive and be optimistic else its impossible to stay…as says Charles Darwin ,’survival for the fittest’.Thus begins our journey to live to fight and not to ask questions to that Almighty.
Throughout  this journey called life ,when we move through different stages, its always about survival,feeding, desires, expectations and frustations emerging out of that,happiness becomes relative…
And questions you should not ask…
People say you should be an honest, hardworking and  god fearing man…first two adjectives are alright but the third one …is god so shallow that in his kingdom we have to be fearful citizens…
THERE is this movie –BRUCE ALMIGHTY…very very impressive and inspiring,even so many books and spiritual teachers to explain the bigger things in life and forget about the smaller personal issues…but till the self is not satisfied and resolved how to look with kindness towards others .
So many questions and only one answer –look within…but again- will look within only when the outside becomes simple and not complicated,congested,sad ,engaging and expectative…sometimes bother who defines right and wrong…
Life itself is so complicated ,unpredictable and adventrous that you don’t know what happens next moment ,plans that you make get thrashed and new ones are made for you and you just have to like it…if you wish to survive ,so as they say ’the glass is half full and not half empty’…well well and the biggest irony, its always we who choose the path or make the choices …so no questions again…
Start living and learning from each experiment that you make in this subject called life…and be everready to expect the unexpected but still dont loose hope and smile and get up again and hold the reins of your life and keep drudging and please don’t ask any questions…


  1. i guess i agree with you...something I would lke you to read:an extension to your thoughts...

  2. Life is a journey, and there are curved paths, signposts showing us the way more accurate. On the road sometimes have holes, rain and wind, we have only the choice of how to face these challenges.

    "Let us do what we can and what we can not pray to God so that we can".

    Saint Augustine.


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