
Showing posts from October, 2016
The ways of the world stand unchanged, Shallow waters and deep valleys, Muddy puddles and dark skies, Leaning upon acceptance, Stands an uninhibited soul... Waiting to be diluted, To be ravaged and dealt with. She contemplates, ponders, philosophizes, Imitates and adorns unreal. The happiness is lost... The real is forlorn and secluded. Paradox is she, and she is a paradox, Emotions, Connections and intimacy Strongly built brick by brick. But Serenity lost between the mortar. Sad is a quotient. It is not her identity. She cries and wails with a smile, Amber turns her eyes sparkle... To the world she is a beauty. A name recognizable. A person definable. But deep underneath... Stands the little one undefined and illusionary...
Wrenched from within, When the without holds aloof... Practical becomes ferocious, And refuses to let go self... Within those confines of viciousness, When the battle of mind soars and soars... It doesnt hear nor does it feel, It just wants to retain its creation... Little self moves outside, Takes a ride and fills the aura... With a handful of hope, And a mesmerising sight of humanity around, Twinkling lights and lost dances of soul. The bundle of trinity finds solace... Eternal peace and boundless joy, Within the mundane around. Praise the customs. The culture and its bindings. The human chaos around... The emptiness within and the silence outside The errie restricts... Come what may, The intelligentsia say... Experience has taught Time has touched the essence ... Commonality prospers...roars and soars