What is research? Yesterday I attended a national conference on ‘Economics, Infrastructure and Development’, had written a paper for the same. After delivering my presentation, the person perusing the event responded, only those people who have some methodology to show present the papers, if they have opinions in their paper it’s not a research paper. Agreed sir, he was right; but I wanted to speak and justify, give a point. My embarrassment was so profound that I couldn’t; but then sharing a thought with friends, getting their feedback always helps…so am here. My first question : Why is it that we always have to follow set steps, I mean write it directly that first intro, then research question, objectives, methodology,…why we can’t give different headings- the purpose remains same having a question, reviewing some literature based on that ,do some findings and reach the conclusion- something that synchronizes with our topic , make it little interesting, maybe so that some...